West Branch Panther Creek watershed Plan
What is the West Branch Panther Creek Plan?
The Illinois Natural Resources Conservation Service (IL-NRCS) in conjunction with the project sponsor, the Village of Roanoke, IL, will be developing a Watershed Plan/Environmental Assessment (Plan/EA) for the West Branch Panther Creek Watershed in 2024-2025.
The Plan/EA will analyze opportunities to reduce recurring flooding along the West Branch Panther Creek through structural and/or non-structural alternatives. The Plan/EA will also identify associated opportunities that benefit public recreation and wildlife habitat.
The Village of Roanoke, IL is providing assistance with alternative development and site selection for this plan. Structural alternatives may include adjustments to the runoff and streamflow channels near Roanoke. Non-structural alternatives may include wetland creation, restorations, or enhancements.
Watershed Plan Map
Track progress and stay informed with our interactive map, providing real-time updates on the West Branch Panther Creek Watershed Plan.
Completed Public Meeting
Initial Public Meeting
January 22, 2025
2pm Central Time
Village Hall meeting room
Upcoming Public Meeting
Project Schedule
NRCS / Village of Roanoke
Public / Agencies
Sep 2024- Feb 2025
Draft Public Participation Plan, Public Meeting Notice, and Agency Letters.
Begin Phases of the Watershed Planning Process
Phase I - Identify Flood Risk Areas
Phase II - Determine Objectives
Phase Ill - Inventory Resources
Phase IV - Analyze Resource Data
Phase V - Formulation Alternatives
Provide comments on the proposed action, alternatives, issues, and impacts to be in the Draft Plan/EA
Attend Initial Public Jan 22, 2025
We Are Here
Feb 2025 - Dec 2025
Draft Plan/EA
Phase VI - Evaluate Alternatives
Phase VII - Propose Flood Risk Alternatives
Phase VIII - Draft Environmental Assessment and Circulate for Review
A Draft Plan/EA is developed that presents, analyze, and compares the potential environmental impacts of the proposed action and alternatives.
The Draft Plan/EA goes under multiple stages of review by NRCS.
A Notice Of Availability is then published in the Federal Register and a 30 day public comment period on the Draft Plan/EA begins.
Provide Comment. Public comments are considered in the preparation of the Final Plan/EA
Attend Pubic Final Meeting (Date TBD)
Jan 2026 - March 2026
Final Plan/EA
A Final Plan/EA is prepared and distributed.
Responses to public comments on the Draft Plan/EA aro included in the Final Plan/EA
Track progress on Project Website
April 2026
Record of Decision
The Final Plan/ EA is submitted to NRCS National Headquarters for authorization.
After the Final Plan/EA is published, a minimum 30 day waiting period is required before a Record of Decision (ROD) can be issued.
The Notice Of Availability (NOA) Will be published in the Federal Register, notifying the public of the decision NRCS made on the proposed action.
No action can be taken until the decision has been made public.
View Final Plan/EA & Record of Decision
We compiled a list of commonly asked questions about this Project. This section is designed to provide additional background information on flood mitigation and ecological restoration, the benefits and how we need your input to help create a more sustainable future for the West Branch Panther Creek Watershed Community. If you have a question or concern that is not covered here, please reach out to us by clicking on the contact form at the bottom of the page.
A watershed is the area of land drained by a river, stream, or other body of water. If rain or snowmelt does not have areas of vegetation to infiltrate into the soil, it may flow overland to lower areas in the landscape to a body of water or wetland. The land surrounding that wetland or body of water is considered the watershed.
The figure below depicts the Woodford County Watershed.
The purpose of the proposed project is to evaluate feasible flood risk reduction alternatives in Woodford County to reduce the risk of flood damage for homes and businesses in Woodford County, IL. The secondary project purposes are to create and enhance public wildlife habitat and improved open space for area residents.
The Village of Roanoke has a demonstrated history of flash flooding. The two most serious flash floods resulted in an estimated $2.7 million and $1.3 million in flood damage and clean-up expense. Although some in-field conservation practices have been implemented, based on countywide estimates, it’s likely that at least 70 percent of the farmland in the project area is tiled and at least 9 percent is drained by ditching, which is likely contributing to poorly controlled runoff and soil erosion. A 2021 public survey asking about public concerns over soil and water conservation issues found that eight of the top 10 public concerns were related to watershed quality and protection. This project aims to reduce flooding problems and may also improve watershed quality and wildlife habitat.
The primary areas of analysis are near the Village of Roanoke. The West Branch Panther Creek flows along the south side of Roanoke and is an area of interest. There are also streamflow channels arriving from the north that will be analyzed. The segment of West Branch Panther Creek downstream (east) of town will also be analyzed, as some downstream alternatives could provide flood reduction benefits in Roanoke.
The project is currently in the scoping and alternatives development phases. As such,there are no specific plans at this time. The IL-NRCS and the Village of Roanoke are committed to working with property owners. To learn how your property might be impacted by the West Branch Panther Creek Watershed Plan, contact Matthew Robert, Illinois NRCS Conservation Engineer, at 217-353-6626.
The formal scoping period begins September 2024 and closes November 2025, during which time the public has a chance to submit comments to be considered in the drafting of the Plan/EA. All public comments will be recorded in the Draft Plan/EA. There will also be an Initial Public Meeting on January 22, 2025 and Final Public Meeting in 2025 (Date TBD). When the Draft Plan/EA is published, the public can review it on this Project Website and provide comments.
There will be representatives from the IL-NRCS, Village of Roanoke, and the Architectural – Engineering firm working on the Watershed Plan / EA. The scope of the project will be explained and the areas under consideration will be discussed. The representatives will discuss conceptual costs of the project and disclose any known potential effects. Comment cards will be available for the public to provide comments and concerns.
The Project website will be updated regularly with information as it is obtained to track the progress of the Plan/EA. If you are unable to attend the Public Meeting, the presentation is planned to be shared via Zoom. It will also be recorded and be available to view within 7 days on the Project Website.
Submitting comments is the most effective way to make your voice heard in the process. Please feel free to send comments prior to February 2025, and they will be responded to within three business days.
Comments may be:
Emailed to: WBPCWatershedPlan@stantec.com
Submitted online at https://www.wbpc-nrcs-watershedplan.com via a comment form in the bottom of the site.
The Illinois-NRCS Office is funding the development of the Plan/EA for the West Branch Panther Creek Watershed Plan. NRCS is authorized to assist local municipalities with watershed and flood reduction planning projects. The local sponsor of the Project is the Village of Roanoke. Roanoke is specifically interested in reducing damages caused by flash floods.
The PR&G govern how federal agencies evaluate proposed water resource projects. They provide direction to federal agencies when evaluating and selecting major water projects. As it relates to the West Branch Panther Creek Watershed Plan, in addition to complying with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Plan/EA must also meet PR&G requirements. More information on how the PR&G will be incorporated into the Plan/EA can be found in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Guidance for Conducting Analyses Under the Principles, Requirements, and Guidelines for Water and Land Related Resources Implementation Studies and Federal Water Resource Investments DM 9500-0013.
NEPA was the first major environmental law in the United States, signed by President Nixon on January 1, 1970. NEPA requires federal agencies to assess the environmental effects of their proposed actions prior to making decisions. The goal of the NEPA process is to foster action that protects, restores, and enhances our environment. This is achieved through using Environmental Assessments (EAs) and Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) to provide public officials with relevant information and allow a detailed look at the potential environmental consequences of each proposed project. Read more about the NEPA process from the Council of Environmental Quality.
A Plan/EA is an official environmental review document required by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) for planning and carrying out projects under the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Program (also known as Public Law 83-566) and to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). A Plan/EA is required for any project that applies for federal financial assistance through the NRCS Watershed Program and anticipates that the proposed project could significantly affect the quality of the human and natural environment.
If there's an agreed project plan, NRCS may fund a portion of the project costs, depending on the project type.
How to Comment
On December 20, 2024, IL-NRCS announced a public scoping period to consider opportunities for flood risk reduction within the West Branch Panther Creek Watershed Plan. There are several ways to submit comments to have your voice heard. All comments received through November 2025 will be considered and included in the public record as part of the development of the Draft Plan/EA.
Attend the Initial Public Meeting on January 22, 2025
Attend the Final Public Meeting in 2025 (Date TBD)
Use the Public Scoping Feedback and Comment Form below
Lead Agency Contact
Matthew Robert
Illinois NRCS State Conservation Engineer
Primary Consultant
Baird/Stantec JV